The ceremony was absolutely memorable. They were given some very special advice and one observation struck me as partcularly unique. The officiator mentioned that some couples seek to be married, while others are looking to be sealed as partners for time and all eternity. He felt the spirit of their ceremony indicated that latter. I couldn't have agreed more.
The reception was also breathtaking. Cole's aunt generously opened her stunning home and yard to 200+ guests. It was gorgeous and charming; a perfect setting for the new picture perfect couple.
I am so proud of Aly, the decisions she's made and the happiness that's followed. We are thrilled to officially welcome Cole to the family. My boys absolutely adore him--and I trust their judgement without reservation. His family has brought such joy and comfort to Aly as well. What a gift...a great guy and a great family! Here are some of my favorite pics from the day:

Mindi what a good sport you are to be in the wedding - but you look great so you don't get quite as much sympathy for it!:) Your little guys look darling all dressed up like little men! We just wanted you to know we are thinking of, and praying for you all this week. Blake and Amy
Hi Mind!
Darling pictures of the wedding! Everyone looks fabulous! Those cute boys are getting so big so fast!
We are thinking of you guys, I'll try calling tonight, but if I can't reach you know that we are praying for you and love you. We are here if you need us.
Love, Jaci
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