Monday, August 25, 2008

Look Mom, No Tube!

McKay was just extubated (they removed his breathing tube) and he is showing off how well his little lungs work. The actual extubation was a little rough. They have to pull out a large tube the size of his trachea that has sat at the top of his lungs since just a few moments since birth. Then, almost worse than the actual extubation, they had to scrub the adhesive from the tape holding the ventilation tube in place off of his face. You have never seen a more irritated baby!

Aside from now being able to see his gorgeous face and little lips, the best part was hearing a tiny little cry come from deep inside his fired up little body. We have not been able to hear him cry until now. And although his screams were scratchy due to what the nurse called "the worst sore throat of his life," we could hear him. Awesome.

He is resting now from all the excitement and breathing like a champ. They inserted a feeding tube earlier today and he is using a nose cannula right now so we are not totally tube free, but we are moving in the right direction. They say he will probably be moved out of ICU in the next day or two if he continues to shine like he has.

Thank you so much for all of your love and prayers. We truly can feel your strength and feel so buoyed up and blessed by it. I will post pics of McKay's new look tonight. Much love to all.


C. Jane Kendrick said...

So awesome to hear about the little guy crying. Best, best of luck and blessings - ck (chris kendrick under my wife's login)

yota_96 said...

I don't know you but a friend led me to your blog. I too am a heart mom. My son was born 9 1/2 years ago with Tetralogy of Fallot. His first surgery was 9/99 and the second 1/08. Now he is approaching his 10th birthday and is my little miracle. My experience was not exactly the same but in reading your story and seeing your pictures, it took me right back. McKay is beautiful and strong and I am so happy that he is doing so well. I can hear the strength of a heart mom in your posts. You are amazing and it is obvious that you have good people behind you, especially your husband. My husband was and is still my rock, he kept me strong when I thought I would cave. I have no doubt that prayers are being heard and answered on your behalf. I hope you can also find some additional strength and energy in knowing that strangers are rooting for McKay and your family as well. Thank you so much for sharing your story.

johnsonfamily said...

Matt and Mindi,

That's a HUGE step in the right direction. Call me if you get a minute. Even if it's late one night.


Jenny said...


Your blog has been like a good book that I can't put down. I am hooked. I am so in love with McKay and appreciate you being willing to share him with all of us. You are such an inspiration! Hang in there. He will be home in no time.


Sam and Sally said...

Matt and Mindi,
Uncle Sam and I are praying for all of you. It's so amazing that McKay is doing so well. Your blogs have touched me deeply. We are reading your blog daily and following the adventure with you.

Much love,
Uncle Sam and Aunt Sally

Jennifer Duncan said...

Matt and Mindi, this is such great news. We love you guys and congratulations on the handsome guy. What a fighter.

Kimi said...

I am so happy for you guys. And I know about the adhesive situation! Beckham didn't even make a peep when they put IV's in his head and hands, but taking off the pieces that held everything down was the worst thing ever. Keep up the improvements McKay, we are cheering for you constantly!

jaci said...

That is so great! I knew it would happen soon! He is showing them who is boss! That is great! We would love to come visit you...but we don't know what your schedule is? I will call you tomorrow. You both are so strong, just know that we are praying for you and love you.
Love, jaci