Is this any way to spend your birthday? McKay turned two months old yesterday and after 9 1/2 hours of waiting, waiting, waiting for the right blood, for the drip to complete, and for tiny Mac to drain off the excess fluid, our biggest celebration came when the words on the electronic monitor finally said, "Transfusion Complete!" McKay got what amounts to an oil change yesterday through a blood transfusion and seems to already be reaping the benefits. His sats this morning are hanging out in the low 80s -- the best we've ever seen them since he's been home. It looks like all those extra red blood cells are doing the trick.
We had no idea the procedure would take that long (and neither did his cardiologist). Apparently they are extremely cautious with transfusions for infants (a good thing), and then take even more precautionary measures when preparing blood for cardiac kids. That meant a double dose of waiting for us. My mom helped us pass the time by hand-delivering some cookies to us and holding McKay for a while why Matt and I had some quality salmon from the cafeteria. Fortunately, for him and for us, we were allowed to hold him almost the entire time. That made it all soooo much better.
Honestly the anxiety we experienced researching transfusions and worrying about this procedure over the weekend expelled far more worry and energy than the event itself. Laid out on the hospital sofa in McKay's room last night, Matt just looked at me and said, "Transfusions are boring!" We both laughed and were grateful for something that was more more boring than we anticipated.
We got home to happy kids tucked in bed, all cozy in their new PJs (thanks Grandma Sheri and Nate!). Our home was cleaned, laundry folded, and fresh sheets were on our bed thanks to Aly and Cole. What would we ever do without such an amazing family? They truly are the best of the best.
Mac will head into the pediatrician's tonight for a check up and to start his immunizations. Oh, how I hope he will forgive me for all of this one day! I even made him open his eyes after the IV team started his line yesterday to see that it wasn't me that was causing the pain. But it's like I always tell my other boys, "Sorry, you picked out a mean mom. If you wanted life to be easier, you should have picked a nice one." They always laugh. Hopefully McKay will have the same sense of humor. Here's to many more boring days ahead of us!
You are simply amazing and that is where McKay gets his strength. You are an incredible mom, wife, and person. I pray for the best for that cute little bear. You are certainly doing a great job documenting this life challenge. I am so proud of you and your family and for keeping the trust and faith that you do. Have a great day and hope all continues to go better and better every day. Love, Marshelle
Way to go McKay and the full Cox team! So glad those red blood cells are doing their job. We think of you and pray for constant improvement and good news for that darling boy.
I am always so touched as I read your blog. You have such a way with words. Thank you for uplifting me through your positive and real thoughts. You are amazing!
What a champ!! I am glad that the transfusion went well and I hope you continue to reap the benefits! Still thinking of you.......
p.s.- Can you send Grandma Sheri to my house please!!!!
I am so glad that the transfusion went well!! I love to read your blog, it is always so uplifting!!
Great news! I am glad McKay is breathing better. Thanks for sharing with us. We have grown to love your family so much!
So glad everything went well!
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