Baby McKay had some serious pictures taken yesterday. So serious in fact they had to keep him knocked out to take them. That meant no eating all morning in preparation for the sedation meds. Fortunately, Grandma Di took the day off and kept McKay distracted from his stomach. Thanks mom!
After a rough start trying to get an IV started (I hate this the most...it is so frustrating to watch someone try again and again to insert a needle into tiny veins all the while hearing him scream himself into the dreaded silent scream...Did I not say he was a hard stick, please call the IV team??? HATE IT.), finally the good stuff was flowing and McKay headed into a peaceful fog.
First was the MRI machine. Such a big machine for such a tiny body! The docs spent about 30 minutes mapping McKay's anatomy and then sent him for another echo. Unlike Tuesday, McKay was completely out this time so the tech could move him and the machine to get some really amazing views of every aspect of his heart. I love watching this. McKay's heart is an amazing thing to behold. To look at it functioning without all it's "supposed to have" parts, I just wonder at the miracle of my baby. These were definitely the best pictures I've ever seen of his heart and how it functions. I couldn't help but thinking, "The body finds a way, the body finds a way, McKay will find a way."
We received our surgery plan and must return to the hospital Monday for a slew of pre-op exams and tests. It's funny when they said the surgery would be Tuesday, they failed to acknowledge that we would spend two of the five days until the surgery date at the hospital preparing for it...good times.
I feel guardedly optimistic about next week. It felt so good yesterday to call the oxygen company and cancel all deliveries until further notice--hopefully forever! There are definite upsides to getting this done sooner than later. As I watched McKay charm the Crocs off all his nurses after waking up yesterday, I couldn't have felt more proud or in love with my little man. Despite it all, he's laughing, he's cooing, and stealing hearts everywhere he goes. Well done sunshine.
McKay will find a way! This little superman has so much love, support and positive energy he will continue to amaze! My love and prayers will be added to the hundreds of others.
Here's to living without the oxygen tubes!
Love, prayers and the best ju ju I can send,
You can have them write in McKay's chart that only the IV team can start an IV. Just ask them to note that in his chart on your pre-op work-ups! Good Luck!
Hugs & Prayers,
heart momma to Jacob (tga)
Whenever I need to smile through tears I turn to these fabulous updates. We're rooting for McKay! He's a champion.
We are thinking of you, along with so many others. Our prayers are with you all!!
Cutest photo ever. Just your description of them poking sweet little McKay makes me sick to my stomach. I can only imagine how helpless it must make you feel. You know you are in our prayers...
Mindi, you find a way to be witty even in the most trying of times, "charming the Crocs off". I love it! and so true since the nurses all wear 'em!
What can I say...we were just where you are only two short months ago. Every day is a step ahead. The pre-op is part of the climb, but come Thanksgiving you will be decending the mountain and it will feel so good.
Sending our prayers to Mr. McKay!
I wish you the best with Find a Way McKay! My thoughts are and will be with you tomorrow, as always. Hang in there! Love ya!
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