Monday, June 22, 2009

Not Me! Monday

(This picture has nothing to do with this post, but I had to share. He is a complete ray of sunshine. And yes, those are his pajamas--I would never let my kids play in the backyard before they're dressed for the day. Not me!)

I am soooo independent. I never rely on others to make my life possible. I would never ask my darling sister and bend-over-backwards mother-in-law to change their lives on a weekly basis to shelter, feed, care for and otherwise nurture my little ones. Not me!

I would never ask this of them because I never (and I mean NEVER) need an escape, a playground, a something else to think about in order to refuel and remember why I adore being a most-the-time mom most of the time. I would never think my babies' faces look just a little sweeter, a little less conniving, and a lot more irresistible after just a few hours away each week. Not me! I could never leave them, not even for a second to someone else's care who might teach them that there is more to the world than mom's smothering embrace.

So today it would be a totally irrelevant waste of time to thank what seems to be the multitudes of people in my life who surround and buoy up and take over when I need to find some sanity, adventure or carve out a little story of my own now and again. I would never thank them for not making me feel guilty about it either. Not me! I can do it all by myself. (Ha!)

1 comment:

The Simmons Family said...

A big part of me misses working. It's nice to have family take care and LOVE on our kiddos in our absence. Mckay look FABULOUS as ever... what a big boy!
