Monday, June 29, 2009


It's not fair to describe the nervousness I'm cultivating in the pit of my stomach tonight as butterflies. I had butterflies on my wedding day. Driving to the hospital to have each of my children. I still get them on Christmas Eve. No. This is definitely not butterflies. Moths, perhaps.

Why the nausea? McKay will spend the day(and possibly night) at the hospital tomorrow having his first heart cath. The cath procedure involves inserting a thin, flexible tube (catheter) into the femoral artery high up inside McKay's chubby little thigh. The catheter is guided up the vein toward the heart. The cardiologist uses X-rays, called fluoroscopy, to help visualize and guide the movement of the catheter to the desired locations within the blood vessels and chambers of the heart. While inside the heart, several things may be done to help evaluate the heart structures, as well as the pattern of blood flow inside the heart and nearby blood vessels, including:

  • Drawing blood samples from each chamber and each blood vessel, to measure oxygen content.

  • Making blood pressure measurements inside each chamber and each blood vessel.

  • Injecting a contrast (dye) into the catheter and recording the images as it flows through the heart.The moving pictures are saved, enabling the cardiologist to review the data after the procedure.

  • Inserting tiny coils to block blood flow from spontaneous and unwanted collateral veins which may have developed around the heart.
I know the procedure seems a small thing in light of McKay's history, but for some reason the thought of how they perform caths just gets to me. Seriously, who thinks up this stuff? I'm not sure, but I am glad they contributed their genius to developing the mind-bending, life-saving treatments that will help to keep Mac in the clear.

Please say a little prayer for our McKay and for his doctors that all will go as planned. Truth be told, we're hoping for a day full of thoroughly boring news!


Lisa Marie Trent said...

Come on, Jack has a cath in right NOW!! (I'm totally kidding...) I know McKay will be a trooper with the cath and he'll just enjoy the nap :)

Once again we are guarding our room (3083) as Jack spends the night in the PICU, so if you need somewhere to go during your escapade, come and find us. It may say "BIOHAZARD" on the door- but that's just to scare away anyone trying to take away our room :)

Good luck tomorrow!!

Allison said...

Mr. McKay is a super kiddo. I hope that he simply sails through his cath, wakes up ready to play (even if the diaper changes are a little cautious), and that your tummy can be calm enough to enjoy a nice slushie while he is recovering. Prayers will be sent your way (and you can go hang out with the Trent family as Lisa already said. That in and of itself is a treat since they kept us sane our last month in the hospital!). Good Luck Friends!

heidivee said...

Lots of love and prayers coming your way. May you have a dull, boring day. :) Love you guys!

Aimee Hardy said...

I'm with you. The very idea of a cath gives me the willies. We'll be praying for you guys today and hoping that all goes well. It was so great to finally meet you in person on Saturday.

kto1s said...

Hope all goes well with McKay's procedure and solutions are found. Much love!

The Simmons Family said...

Blah... caths are my least favorite of the procedures. We just always get bad news. I'm sure Mac will do FINE and we're praying for BORING news.

Good luck!

Christina Chau said...

McKay has beaten all odds and I know he'll do great during the cath! We are praying and thinking about you today at work. It will be over soon and then McKay can go back to happily playing with his brothers =)

Marshelle said...

Go McKay! You can do it. Have sweet little baby dreams while you rest and we will all be thinking of you and your family today. You are such a fighter and I am inspired by you and your mom every day. Keep up the great fight and you will prevail. Love and hugs to you all!

Meredith said...

Everything will be ok. In the meantime we'll be praying for you.

Jenny said...

Praying for you and McKay:).

Patti said...

Praying for boring boring boring boring and more boring. Good luck.