Preston is FOUR today!
A remarkable feat considering just moments ago this was you...
Making your first unbreakable bonds with your brother.
Full of innocence and wonder.

You've always had such a great smile and great hair.

Not so slowly you changed from my content-to-play,

to my can't-slow-down-even-for-a-minute BRUISER .

(Eye courtesy a freak Thomas the Train incident...)

You have been an adventure my darling Preston.

Born at just the right time to nurse a broken grandfather back to health...

You have a special gift for understanding the unspoken.
(And you're scary smart.)
The first time you recited the alphabet at 2 1/2 years old you did it backward--perfectly. It was astonishing and a lovely party trick for the months that followed before preschool teachers ruined you into saying it like everyone else.
The first time you recited the alphabet at 2 1/2 years old you did it backward--perfectly. It was astonishing and a lovely party trick for the months that followed before preschool teachers ruined you into saying it like everyone else.

Fact is, you have a special spark. A passionate spirit your dad and I have vowed to focus and direct, but never fully tame. It will serve you well in the many years and accomplishments to come.
You experience life at full blast and we love you for it. Stay true to that crazy little drummer inside you little big man and march forward. We'll try to keep up.
xoxo~Mom and Dad.
Happy Birthday Preston! Sienna is three tomorrow (the 25th). Crazy! another coincidence? I think not! I smiled as I read your post-Sienna beats to her own (ahm, strange drum) too and has quite the little brain inside her too. It's the Pisces...such a dreamy, fascinating sign!
Fun post, thanks for sharing!
Happy Birthday Preston!! Hope you have a fun, fun day! What an adorable little man. He couldn't get any cuter!
Love you guys!
Today is My sons birthday,but he is 15!!
I pulled out his baby album and reminisced! It was so scary being a first time mom now I meet those same fears once again only different.
Hope this birthday was fun and memorable for all!
Happy Birthday Preston! Preston is so adorable and so spunky! We just love him! He makes us laugh every time we are with him!!! We hope he had a great 4th birthday!
Love- Cole, Bradley, Emily, and Dennis
Happy Birthday! Four years has gone so fast, Ashlynn's birthday is Saturday.
Such a handsome boy. He is just darling. Isn't it fun how they come with their own personalities even though they come from the same mold! Happy Birthday Preston!
Hope Preston had a wonderful 4th Birthday!! I LOVE 4 it's my favorite age. I'm so glad we still get to have another 4 year old in our home.
Happiest of birthdays to you Preston! I hope you have a wonderful day and have lots of laughs today! Darling pictures!
Preston has always been none of my favorites! I love a boy who knows what he wants!
You have such handsome men in your life! I hope his day was happy. I can't believe how fast time is going.
Just had to tell you the other night on the way to the Jazz game...we were on the street waiting to cross and suddenly some girl is standing uncomfortably close to my back. Then she got closer. And closer. Mike looked over to talk to me and instead of me being next to him, it was this babe-a-licious girl. I kept scooting forward. When he realized it was Stacey he started laughing, and then I turned around all confused. Anyway, it was super funny. We chatted for a second with Stacey and Ali and their hubbys, but then had to head in to the game. It was nice to see them. The people we were with were like "Who were they? Man, they sure are nice to look at!" You all truly are so gorgeous. Tell Stacey 'thanks for the laugh' next time you see her. She is so funny. :)
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